Putin told who is behind the sabotage at energy facilities

MOSCOW, 12 Oct — PRIME. Behind the sabotage of energy infrastructure are those who want to cut ties between Russia and Europe, who have already resorted to such measures and were caught by the hand, President Vladimir Putin said, speaking at Russian Energy Week.

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According to him, some participants in the global energy market are subversive, destroying competitors’ facilities.

“They also resort to outright discrimination in the market, and if that doesn’t work, they simply destroy the competitors’ infrastructure,” the president said.

Putin stressed that the attacks on Nord Stream have become “the most dangerous precedent” by which competitors want to oblige Europeans to buy energy resources at inflated prices.

“The logic is cynical – to destroy, to block sources of cheap energy, to deprive millions of people, industrial consumers of gas, heat, electricity, and other resources and force them to buy all this for much higher purposes. Force them,” he said.

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President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

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The head of state noted that the world economy and energy are currently experiencing an acute crisis, in particular, associated with “openly subversive actions of individual market participants” who are guided solely by their geopolitical ambitions.

See also: Putin spoke about the reorientation of Russian gas exports