Qatar promised stable gas supplies to Europe

DOHA, Oct 5 – PRIME. State Minister of Energy of Qatar Saad al-Kaabi promised to steadily supply Europe with 12-15 million tons of natural gas from Qatar if European countries continue to experience difficulties with other sources of energy resources.

The WTO announced a rise in gas prices by 250 percent

“Now we are selling about five to ten million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG). In the next 5-10 years, we will be the largest seller of LNG in the world. 12-15 million tons of Qatari natural gas will steadily flow to Europe if the situation continues in the current form,” Al-Kaabi said during the Energy intelligence forum in London. His words are given in the forum’s microblog on Twitter.

Al-Kaabi said the project teams working to increase the country’s LNG production have had a very difficult time keeping the project on schedule and within budget, but Qatar is expecting a “huge jump in LNG production.”

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According to the minister, in the European market, built on the principle of hubs, “it is difficult to have fixed supplies based on this hub.”

Al-Kaabi is convinced that there will be no peak in gas consumption in the next 20-30 years.

The expansion plan for the North Field in Qatar includes the creation of six LNG lines that will increase its gas liquefaction capacity from 77 to 126 million tons per year.