Radeon Vega II and Ryzen 3000 processors at CES 2019

Radeon Vega II and Ryzen 3000 processors at CES 2019

Unfortunately, this time I have something for you from an unofficial source, which is the informant of the Wccftech website. According to him, AMD is to prepare something big for CES 2019 (January 8-12), because not only presentations of Ryzen 3000 processors, but also new APUs, and even the Radeon Vega II consumer card.

Traditionally, I recommend approaching this leak with a pinch of salt, but it’s hard to underestimate it considering that AMD is in such a good position that (at least in the CPU market) it should release its products as quickly as possible. Especially that we have already received the phenomenally announcing 2019, the alleged specification of the Ryzen 3000 processors. These are, however, desktop systems, after which each of us expects something really solid and in which it is difficult to say anything about it. So I will return to the APU chips, which, according to Wccftech, are to be released with a view to undermining the foundations of the Intel / Nvidia combination in the mobile segment. This may suggest that we will see the mobile views first, and we will have to wait a while for the desktop ones. Unfortunately, we don’t know much about the Picasso family announced three years ago – we can’t even be sure about the process and architecture!

Therefore, I will forgive myself speculation and move on to the most interesting news, because it discusses a new graphics card for consumers. Most importantly, we are not talking about the first systems based on Navi architecture, but the old (in) honest “Vega”. In theory, it should be the consumer version of this “professional” 7nm Vega card. So we are talking about the 7nm Vega 20 GPU, which should be on board the Radeon Vega II card.

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As for this, we have some clues: The AMD Radeon Vega II trademark has hit the network

Source: Wccftech