Romania and Moldova signed an agreement for the supply of electricity

CHISINAU, 13 Oct – PRIME. The Romanian company Hidroelectrica (Hydroelectric) and the Moldovan state-owned enterprise Energocom (Energocom) have signed an agreement to supply electricity to Moldova, Romanian Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said on Thursday.

Moldova switched to full self-sufficiency in electricity

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova Andrei Spinu said that the republic would be able to purchase up to 30% of the required volume of electricity from Romania at a price of 90 euros per MW.

“Electricity for the Republic of Moldova! Hidroelectrica and Energocom, authorized by the Moldovan government, today signed a contract for the supply of 100 MW. The supply of electricity will begin on the night of October 14,” Popescu wrote on his page on the social network.

The minister noted that the day before, the Romanian government urgently adopted a special resolution that allows local electricity producers to conclude priority contracts with the Moldovan government.

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Moldova is experiencing an energy crisis due to rising energy prices. In addition, since October 11, Ukraine has stopped supplying electricity to the republic. Chisinau stated that the Moldavskaya GRES (located on the territory of Transnistria) remained the main supplier of electricity. The authorities called on the population of the country to urgently save electricity, especially from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 18.00 to 23.00 Moscow time, and state-owned enterprises also received instructions to reduce energy consumption.