Romania supported the introduction of a price limit for gas from Russia

CHISINAU, 9 Sep – PRIME. Romania supports the idea to limit the price of gas imported from Russia at the level of the European Union, the press service of the country’s energy ministry said on Friday.

Energy Ministers of the European countries

The head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry called the price limit for Russian gas absurd

The union asked the European Commission (EC) at a meeting on Friday to explore the possibility of imposing a price cap on all EU gas imports. The head of the European Commission earlier spoke in favor of introducing a price limit on the import of Russian pipeline gas in the European Union.

“Restricting the price of natural gas at the EU level, including that imported from Russia, is supported by several Member States, including Romania, and can significantly contribute to reducing the volatility of the European market. In this sense, Romania stressed the importance of activating the European Energy Platform for the joint purchase of natural gas in order to ensure a fair distribution of additional volumes of gas and LNG attracted to the EU,” the message posted on the ministry’s website says.

The ministry believes that it is necessary to analyze a possible measure to reduce consumption in terms of the impact on consumers and industry. Romania supports voluntary measures to reduce consumption in accordance with national capabilities, as well as with the development of the energy market.

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Measures proposed by Romania and other member states regarding temporary caps on the price of natural gas, limiting the impact of the price of natural gas on the price of electricity, and protecting companies affected by the energy crisis were reflected in the conclusions of the Council of Energy Ministers, the ministry said.

Official proposals from the European Commission on new energy measures are expected next week amid high gas and electricity prices.