Rosenergoatom announced the shutdown of the sixth power unit of ZNPP

MOSCOW, 12 Sep — PRIME. Shutdown of the sixth power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP was carried out correctly, in a “soft mode”, said Renat Karchaa, adviser to the head of Rosenergoatom.

The head of the IAEA announced the need to create a “security zone” around the ZNPP

“This time, a soft shutdown of the engine took place at the sixth power unit. Only because Ukraine was interested in this. It was possible without their participation to restore one of the lines, 330 (kilovolt) and bring electricity there to the reactor. Accordingly, when the power supply is full, The cooling of the reactor is taking place in a planned soft mode… This time everything was stopped gently and correctly,” he said on the air of the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

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Karchaa added that the power unit was stopped due to shelling of the station by Ukrainian troops.

“In fact, the exit is very simple, there will be no need for any safe zones. Stop shelling, stop firing both at the station and at the infrastructure, at civilian objects in the city and everything will calm down. If this were stopped, there would be no need to stop the sixth there would be no power unit,” he said, emphasizing that the work of the power unit was at its limit.

In addition, the adviser pointed out that shutting down the power unit would not remove all dangers. “If artillery shelling, strikes do not stop, then there are many ways to provoke a nuclear catastrophe. And then it will not matter what scale it is and what caused it – damage to the reactor or some other factors,” Karchaa emphasized.

According to him, there are other facilities on the territory of the nuclear power plant that can cause a nuclear catastrophe, such as storage facilities for liquid fuel, tanks with turbine oil, and nitrogen-oxygen stations.

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Earlier, the Zaporizhia authorities announced the shutdown of the last operating sixth power unit of the nuclear power plant due to the possibility of an emergency due to the constantly changing load and operating modes of turbines and reactors in connection with the shelling of high-voltage lines and energy infrastructure. The so-called “cold shutdown” mode has been applied, the reactor is cooled by the operation of diesel generators.