Russia and Hungary discussed the progress of construction of the Paks-2 NPP

MOSCOW, 26 Sep — PRIME. Rosatom Director General Alexei Likhachev and Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto discussed the implementation of the Paks-2 nuclear power plant project on the sidelines of the IAEA general conference in Vienna, the press service of the Russian state corporation reported.

Rosatom supported the efforts of the IAEA to ensure safety at the ZNPP

The parties agreed to continue working together to achieve a common goal – the construction and commissioning of modern and safe nuclear units of the Paks 2 nuclear power plant.

Likhachev and Szijjarto stressed the need to move directly to the construction of facilities, and also discussed further steps that will allow the work to continue within the approved schedule.

The negotiators agreed that the key to the successful implementation of the project should be the well-coordinated work of the customer and the general contractor under the supervision of the Hungarian regulator, the press service noted.

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According to Rosatom, at the moment, the construction site is preparing to strengthen the soil and build an anti-filtration curtain, develop a pit for future nuclear units and build auxiliary facilities.

At the end of 2014, Russia and Hungary signed an agreement on the construction of new fifth and sixth power units with reactor plants at the only Hungarian nuclear power plant, Paks, according to an advanced Russian project. The project was called “Paks – 2”, Moscow promised to issue a state loan to Budapest in the amount of up to ten billion euros for its implementation. The total cost of the work is estimated at 12.5 billion euros.

The Hungarian authorities have repeatedly stressed the importance of nuclear energy for ensuring the energy security of the country.