Russia is ready to assist the IAEA mission at every stage, Zakharova said

MOSCOW, 29 Aug – PRIME. Russia is ready to assist the IAEA mission to the Zaporozhye NPP at every stage, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

Zaporozhye authorities expect the IAEA mission to affect Kyiv

According to her, IAEA experts have already left Vienna and “soon, within the next few days, will arrive at the site.”

The official representative of the Foreign Ministry recalled that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s permanent representatives to international organizations and heads of other Russian departments declared “Moscow’s readiness to assist at every stage of this mission.”

Zakharova also pointed out that Moscow is counting on the objectivity of the mission’s conclusions based on the results of the visit to the Zaporizhzhya NPP.

“The conclusions of the work of this mission should not be predicted by anyone, they should not have any political overtones, they should be objective,” the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said, adding that the work of the IAEA should be based on professionalism.

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Zakharova stressed that Russia calls on the Western countries that lead the Kyiv regime to show responsibility in the situation around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

“We are doing everything on our part to call on the Western community that leads the Kyiv regime, directs it, and encourages them in their recklessness, to show, if not a responsible approach, then not suicidal behavior, given that we are talking about a nuclear facility” , – said the press secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry, adding that the consequences of actions at the ZNPP will affect the whole world.