Russian natural gas supplies to Europe are stable, Reuters reported

MOSCOW, 19 Sep — PRIME. Deliveries of Russian natural gas to Europe through Ukraine remained almost unchanged on Monday, while supplies via Nord Stream 1 are still suspended, according to the pipeline operator.

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On Monday, Gazprom said that deliveries through Ukraine to Europe remain unchanged compared to previous days and amount to 42.4 million cubic meters.

Applications for Russian natural gas deliveries through the Velké Kapušany checkpoint on the Slovak-Ukrainian border remained almost unchanged on Monday compared to Sunday’s figure of 36.7 million cubic meters, amounting to about 36.8 million cubic meters. This is indicated by the data of the operator of the Ukrainian gas transmission system.

Deliveries via Nord Stream 1 are still not carried out.

Russia suspended gas supplies via Nord Stream 1 on August 31 for routine maintenance. The operation of the gas pipeline was not resumed due to technical problems.

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On Monday, there were applications for the supply of natural gas through the German gas pipelines connecting Nord Stream 1 with end customers. Meanwhile, deliveries are still not made.

Reverse gas supplies via the Yamal-Europe pipeline from Germany to Poland on Monday at 0600-0700 GMT stood at 1,055,595 kilowatt-hours per hour, roughly in line with previous days, according to Gascade data.