Russians increased electricity consumption in September

MOSCOW, 5 Oct – PRIME. Electricity consumption in Russia in September increased by 0.4% and amounted to 85.2 billion kWh, generation decreased by 1.5%, to 85.9 billion kWh, said the System Operator of the Unified Energy System (SO UES) .

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“Electricity consumption in September 2022 in Russia as a whole amounted to 85.2 billion kWh, which is … 0.4% more than in 2021,” the report says.

The generation of electricity in the Russian Federation as a whole in September 2022 amounted to 85.9 billion kWh, which is 1.5% less than the generation in September last year, the operator also said.

SO UES clarified that in nine months, electricity consumption in Russia as a whole amounted to 819.2 billion kWh, which is 1.8% more than in the same period in 2021. Since the beginning of the year, electricity generation as a whole amounted to 831.1 billion kWh, which is 1.1% more than the generation in January-September 2021.

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At the same time, electricity consumption in the Unified Energy System of Russia increased by 0.4% in September and amounted to 84 billion kWh. Generation for the same period was 84.6 billion kWh, down 1.5% from September 2021.

For nine months, electricity consumption in the UES of the Russian Federation amounted to 806.8 billion kWh, which is 1.8% more than in January-September 2021. Electricity generation in the UES for nine months amounted to 818.7 billion kWh, which is 1.1% more than the same period last year.