Samsung previews third-quarter revenue growth

MOSCOW, 7 Oct – PRIME. South Korean electronics maker Samsung Electronics estimates third-quarter revenue at 76 trillion won ($54.2 billion), down 1.6% from the second quarter and up 2.7% year-on-year, the company said in a filing.

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Operating income for the quarter is estimated at 10.8 trillion won ($7.7 billion), down 23.4% qoq and down 31.7% year on year.

The company recalls that in the second quarter, sales were 77.2 trillion won (55 billion dollars), operating income was 14.1 trillion (10 billion dollars). A year earlier, the figures were 73.98 trillion won ($52.8 billion) and 15.82 trillion won (11.3 billion), respectively.

Samsung Electronics is an international manufacturer of electronics: semiconductors, telecommunications equipment, memory chips, liquid crystal displays, mobile phones and monitors. The company’s headquarters is located in Seoul.

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