Satoshi Nakamoto’s story after a decade of anonymity

Satoshi Nakamoto's story after a decade of anonymity

After a decade of anonymity and much speculation, a new self-biographical site of Satoshi Nakamoto has emerged. The globenewswire website has released a statement on the website, in which the “real” Satoshi Nakamoto will publish his story.

The author promises three episodes in which he will disclose details about his identity and the reasons behind the creation of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The first episode has already been released on Sunday, and the next two will be released on Monday and Tuesday at 11:00 pm in Romania.

Episode 1 of Satoshi Nakamoto’s story

Contrary to initial promises, the first episode of “Revelation” on the SatoshiNRH website did not provide much concrete information. The author claimed that he started working on the idea of ​​Bitcoin in 2006, and Hal Finney was his mentor.

From the published information it would appear that this Satoshi provide from Pakistan. He claims that his childhood nickname was Shaikho – and that he is the son of a banker. Apparently, the idea of ​​an alternative financial system came partly from the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal, which was closed after managers were accused of money laundering, bribery and smuggling.

The author is also passionate about numerology, and his post includes numerous explanations on this topic.

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Those interested in Satoshi Nakamoto’s story need to return to the site to find out more details.

Promotion for Satoshi Nakamoto Renaissance Holdings?

The crypto community has faced many Satoshi Nakamoto so far, so it is understandable that the general reaction is “One more ?!”. The information released in the first episode didn’t convince anyone, and Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin, reiterated that the only accepted way to prove the identity of the Bitcoin creator is to send a message on the blockchain with the Genesis key.

There were also those who argued that it is a simple campaign to promote the company Satoshi Nakamoto Renaissance Holdings. Apparently, behind the site is a marketing company named Ivy McLemore & Associates.