Serbia expects deterioration in the European economy due to gas prices

MOSCOW, 3 Oct — PRIME. The state of the economy in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe will deteriorate due to rising energy prices, primarily gas, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

The expert assessed the chances of Moldova to overcome the winter on Romanian gas

“The situation is very bad now and will get worse,” he said.

Vučić took part in a conference with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He said that in recent years Serbia has achieved good results in the economy and industrialization, increased the volume of trade with its partners. “We have changed the country, and everything we have done can be lost in six months. Not through our fault, not through the Austrian, not the Hungarian, no one,” Vučić stressed.

According to him, the problem lies not only in the lack of fuel, but also in its rise in price. The Serbian leader noted that neither companies, nor the state, nor consumers are ready to pay such a high price for gas.

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Vučić noted that Serbia, Hungary and Austria will continue to help each other, but the risks for the regional economy and budget losses remain high.