Special vests protect Amazon employees from robots

Special vests protect Amazon employees from robots

The best-listed company on the stock exchange, i.e. Amazon, clearly copes well with the automation of its outlets, as evidenced by, for example, the decreasing number of seasonal workers hiring from year to year. The company may and now attach great importance to its robotic employees, but it values ​​life, health and ordinary comfort of work for people above all else.

These three aspects are guaranteed by special “Tech Vests”, which prevent robots from getting too close to the wearers. These are, of course, Amazon employees, who recently get a small free of charge in the form of protective clothing resembling suspenders. However, they are not a stylish accessory, but a “safety layer against robots”, the sensors of which detect the harness mentioned above.

In practice, for example, store service centers are filled with dozens of automated feeders that carry containers with orders to people. However, just before the contact, the robot detects the employee, or rather the vest, slowing down and changing its route if necessary. Previously, employees had to mark specific places where they were working.

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Such a change is important because most accidents of robots with humans occur during activities that go beyond the usual routine. This is what makes the tech vest an important addition to equipment used by Amazon employees, which says robots received over a million alerts about a nearby human last year.

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Source: Digitaltrends