Switzerland urged to equip new buildings with solar panels from 2024

MOSCOW, 29 Aug – PRIME. Senators from the Swiss Commission for the Environment, Land Use and Energy (CEATE-E) have proposed equipping new buildings with solar panels from 2024 to compensate for the lack of electricity, a statement on the official website of the parliament said.

Media: the Danes began to use solar panels more often due to rising prices

“From January 1, 2024, all new buildings must be equipped with solar installations. This requirement does not apply to applications for building permits submitted before this date. In addition, the cantons should be able to provide for exemptions under certain conditions,” the document says. .

According to the senators, this decision will significantly increase the production of solar energy without additional interference with the landscape. They stressed that with possible shortages of electricity, there is a growing need to develop alternative sources.

It is specified that the Senate will additionally consider the proposals at the autumn session of 2022.

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Electricity prices in 2023 will increase for Swiss households by 30%.

The risk of power shortages is considered one of the highest in Switzerland.

Earlier, the head of the Swiss federal commission for electricity ElCom, Werner Luginbühl, urged citizens to stock up on candles and firewood due to possible power outages in the coming winter.

The Swiss authorities said that for the first time they could impose restrictions on energy consumption in the event of a shortage of electricity or gas.