The agreement on the electricity market of the Union State will go to the presidents

MINSK, 2 Oct – PRIME. The agreement on the formation of the electricity market of the Union State of Belarus and Russia will soon be presented to the presidents, said Deputy Energy Minister of Belarus Denis Moroz.

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“At the moment, an agreement on the formation of a union electricity market has been fully prepared. This agreement has passed the coordination procedures between the ministries, is undergoing domestic procedures and will soon be presented to the heads of state,” the deputy minister said in an interview with STV television on Sunday.

According to him, in accordance with the plans, work is underway to implement a program to form the gas market of the Union State. “We are also moving on the gas market, a draft agreement is also being prepared, and we are working in this direction,” Moroz said.

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He stressed that, in general, interaction within the framework of the Union State protects consumers in Belarus from “any external influences from an energy point of view.” “And according to the impact that exists in the European Union, we do not expect and do not see how this may affect us,” Moroz said.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that before December 1, 2023, a document on the creation of a united gas market of Russia and Belarus would be signed. It was reported that the parties agreed to develop the principles of its work by July 2022. In addition, according to Putin, it is planned to conclude an agreement on the unification of the markets for oil and oil products, as well as on a single electricity market.

In accordance with the Union Program, the united electric energy market of the Union State will start operating from January 1, 2024 through trade between authorized organizations, and from January 1, 2027, a transition to deeper integration in the electric power industry is envisaged. Earlier this year, the Belarusian ministry noted that Belarus and Russia are completing the preparation of a draft interstate agreement on the formation of a united electricity market of the Union State of the two countries.

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