The Ambassador commented on the speculation about Russia’s involvement in the gas leak

MOSCOW, 7 Oct – PRIME. Speculation about Russia’s involvement in the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines arose against the backdrop of the influence of “Russophobic propaganda,” said Russian Ambassador to Italy Sergei Razov.

Foreign Ministry reminded that explosions at Nord Stream are terrorist attacks

The attacks took place on September 26 at once on two Russian export gas pipelines to Europe – Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2. Germany, Denmark and Sweden did not rule out targeted sabotage.

“Now there are these speculations that the Russians themselves blew up their gas pipeline. I understand that under the influence of Russophobic propaganda, people may have different opinions about the Russians, about the leaders of Russia, but I assure you that we have no idiots,” the diplomat said in during a speech on a political program on the Italian TV channel Rai1.

Razov also commented on the plans of European partners to refuse supplies from Russia, saying that he did not understand “what is the problem with Russian gas.”

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According to the ambassador, for 50 years Russia has been supplying “blue fuel” to Europe and Italy on a stable basis. “

But then Italy and its allies decided to get rid of their dependence on Russian gas. It’s not our choice, it’s yours,” he said.