The AMD Ryzen ThreadRipper 3990X CPU records: the word to overclockers

The AMD Ryzen ThreadRipper 3990X CPU records: the word to overclockers

The new top of the range processor AMD Ryzen ThreadRipper 3990X begins to "turn" under the hands of the most famous overclockers who, needless to say, are not wasting time to scramble the latest jewel of the AMD house.

After the debut at CES 2020 in Las Vegas, many were curious to see the overclocking potential of this CPU, especially considering that we are facing a solution to 64 cores / 128 threads (288MB cache) and a TDP of well 280W with factory frequencies, that is 2.9 GHz of base and Boost up to 4.3 GHz.

Turning to the numbers, in the last hours the results loaded in the databases of the various reference benchmarks are different, among these certainly stands out the frequency record reached bySafedisk overclocker, capable of pushing the 3990X ThreadRipper up to 5,573.7 MHz. For the occasion, a motherboard was used ASUS Zenith II Extreme Alpha (we talked about it HERE) and obviously a good dose of liquid nitrogen, the only way to keep operating temperatures at bay with this type of setting.

Different speech when we talk about stable overclocking and related benchmarks. Peak frequency aside, Safedisk has failed to offer significant results in multi-thread benchmarks (with all cores active) giving way to another overclocker, Splave, capable instead of closing the Cinebench R20 test at a frequency of 5305.9 MHz and a score to say the least monstrous, 39518 points. Again the cooling was liquid nitrogen while the motherboard was an ASRock TRX40 Taichi.

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This is obviously just the beginning, AMD Ryzen ThreadRipper 3990X is not yet available everywhere and we are sure that many other records will be broken in the next few days, remembering that this CPU costs $ 3,990 (more than 4,000 euros on the European market, it is said) , a figure that probably not everyone would risk to pursue a record, sponsored overlcockers aside.