The cost of realizing Truss’s intention to freeze energy prices has been calculated

MOSCOW, 6 Sep — PRIME. The intention of Prime Minister-elect Liz Truss to freeze the price of energy for residents could cost the country about 130 billion pounds ($150 billion) over a year and a half, reports Bloomberg.

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Earlier, the Telegraph newspaper, citing sources, reported that Truss could freeze electricity prices for millions of households in light of the energy crisis.

The agency, citing documents related to the discussion of such measures, says that Truss wants to keep them at current levels or even lower to avoid a sharp increase in electricity prices, which is planned in Britain next month. According to the documents, the new prime minister’s plan means that energy suppliers will be required to charge households a lower cost, and the British government will guarantee funding to cover the difference in price.

The Telegraph also added that Truss intends to freeze energy prices until the next parliamentary elections due in 2024.

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Truss had previously said that if elected, she would introduce action on electricity prices within her first week as prime minister.

The head of the British Foreign Office on Monday was elected head of the Conservative Party of Great Britain, on Tuesday Truss will become the prime minister of the country.

At the end of August, the British energy regulator Ofgem announced an 80% increase in the maximum allowable electricity bill for consumers from October 1 due to rising global energy prices. Thus, the maximum bill for the British could increase by 1578 pounds, or 80%. The head of the energy regulator, Jonathan Brearley, warned that energy prices are likely to continue to rise, and called on the future prime minister of the United Kingdom to take new measures to combat rising prices.