The number of applications for Russian IT solutions quadrupled in 2022

VLADIVOSTOK, 6 Sep — PRIME. In 2022, the Russian Foundation for the Development of Information Technologies (RFRIT) has already received more than a thousand applications for the development of promising Russian IT solutions against 250 applications last year, said Alexander Pavlov, CEO of the fund, as part of the WEF-2022.

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Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko said in July that 37.1 billion rubles would be allocated to co-finance the creation and implementation of Russian industry digital products and solutions instead of foreign ones until 2024, the state would co-finance these developments from the Bortnik and Skolkovo funds, as well as RFRIT.

“For comparison: that year there were about 250 applications for the development of promising (Russian – ed.) IT solutions, this year there are already more than a thousand,” Pavlov said.

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He also noted that 150,000 entrepreneurs have already taken advantage of the SME support measure, which allows them to purchase Russian software at a 50% discount.

The program of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia allows SMEs to purchase software from Russian manufacturers at half price. Preferential conditions are implemented by compensating 50% of the cost of a license to software manufacturers from the federal budget. As of mid-June, 105 software products from 34 copyright holders have been selected.

The WEF takes place on September 5-8 on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island in Vladivostok. RIA Novosti acts as the general media partner of the forum.