The diplomat spoke about the interest of ASEAN in the import of Russian hydrocarbons

MOSCOW, 5 Oct – PRIME. Almost all ASEAN states are showing interest in increasing purchases of Russian hydrocarbons, Nikolai Nozdrev, director of the third Asian department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, told RIA Novosti.

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“Practically all the countries of this region, to one degree or another, are interested in increasing the import of hydrocarbons from Russia,” he said.

The diplomat noted that Moscow has accumulated rich experience in cooperation with the ASEAN countries in the field of energy, and will adjust its plans in accordance with the needs of partners in Southeast Asia.

According to Nozdrev, Russia is focused not only on increasing supplies, but also on the implementation of more advanced projects for the development of deposits and the creation of processing capacities.

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ASEAN includes Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar.

Read the full text of the interview at at 10.00 Moscow time.