The expert proposed to connect two more countries to the Turkish gas pipeline

ANKARA, 17 Oct – PRIME. Gas coming from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan can be connected to Russian supplies as part of the idea of ​​a gas hub in Turkey, said Ugur Yasin Asal, head of the department of political science and international relations at the Istanbul Commercial University.

Gazprom estimated the potential capacity of the new hub in Turkey

In his opinion, “Russian gas alone will not be enough to create a gas center in Thrace,” the expert drew attention to the importance of natural gas coming from the two countries.

“Obviously, Europe needs this in the medium and long term. Building such a center on the basis of Russian gas alone will not be enough. Pooling natural gas coming from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in this center and transferring it from here to Europe should be a strategic priority for Turkey “It is clear that Europe also needs this and is looking for alternative gas routes. In this regard, this center should be built not only through integration with Russia, but also as part of Turkey’s multidimensional foreign policy, if necessary independently, on behalf of our country, focusing for long-term and strategic benefits,” the Milliyet newspaper quoted the expert as saying.

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Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian Federation could move gas transit from Nord Stream to the Black Sea region and Turkey. The Russian leader discussed the idea with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. They instructed to work out the issue in detail and quickly. Negotiations between the delegations of Turkey and the Russian Federation on the creation of a gas hub may begin this week, a diplomatic source in Ankara told RIA Novosti.