The expert spoke about the terms of operation of VK applications removed from the App Store

MOSCOW, 29 Sep — PRIME. VK applications removed from the App Store will work as long as they like until they become irrelevant for new versions of the operating system on the iPhone, with regular updates they will work for at least two to three years, Vladimir Zykov, director of the Association of Professional Users of Social Networks and Messengers, told RIA Novosti.

VK intends to return the ability to download the application in the App Store

On Monday, many VK applications, including VK Play, “VK Music”, “VK Clips”, “VK Messenger”, “VK Admin”, as well as “Mail․ru Mail” and “ Cloud” stopped appearing when searching in the App Store. VK confirmed the removal of several applications from the marketplace, but noted that all previously installed services continue to work as usual.

“They can work as long as they want until they become irrelevant for new versions … They should definitely last at least two or three years,” Zykov commented.

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“Then, if users actively update their devices to the latest versions, there may be problems with supporting the current application … It may not open, it may “buggy”, it may throw the user out, some functions may not work correctly,” he added.

The expert expressed hope that VK would find a way out of the situation. “Perhaps they will look towards the development of PWA applications – these are applications that work outside the application store, that is, this is actually a website wrapped in an application wrapper. Perhaps they will actively develop mobile versions of their products so that users receive access to them in a regular mobile browser,” Zykov suggested.