The expert told how to extend the life of the smartphone

MOSCOW, 22 Oct – PRIME. The smartphone will work longer with regular cleaning: accumulated dust and lint can clog into open-type connectors, Nikita Efimov, head of the Megafon service department, told RIA Novosti.

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“Like any thing, a smartphone requires care. You don’t have to take it to the SPA, but you need to clean it regularly. Dust and lint from clothes clog into open-type connectors, and this does not have the best effect on contacts. For example, due to accumulated debris the charging plug may not fully fit into the socket, and at some point the phone will simply stop charging,” the expert shared his advice.

Efimov also clarified that the smartphone speakers should be wiped with alcohol wipes – this will improve the sound in the gadget. In addition, do not forget about the “armor” for the smartphone – protective glass and a case will protect the device in case of a fall or other force majeure. The expert noted that approximately 90% of all calls to service centers not under warranty are associated with “broken” smartphones, and the display most often suffers.

“Today, the cost of these components is such that it is sometimes more profitable to buy a new phone. Protective accessories are an inexpensive and reliable way to avoid such troubles,” Yefimov explained.

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According to him, another important point in caring for a smartphone is checking the remaining free memory in the device. As the expert notes, the more free space in the phone, the more correctly it will work, the recommended amount of free memory is at least 30%.

“Therefore, delete applications that you have not used for a long time, do not forget to clear the cache, and use cloud services to store files. And, of course, do not ignore software updates – this will significantly optimize the performance of the gadget,” Efimov summed up.