The filling level of gas storage facilities in Germany exceeded 96 percent

BERLIN, 18 Oct – PRIME. The level of occupancy of gas storage facilities in Germany exceeded 96% by Tuesday, the Federal Network Agency of Germany reported.

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“Further filling of storage facilities is underway. The overall occupancy rate in Germany is 96.03%,” the report says.

It is specified that the level of the largest gas storage facility in Germany, located in Reden, is 85.69%.

The regulator recalled that from October 12, 2022, Germany will import natural gas from France through the border checkpoint in Medelsheim. The import capacity is up to 100 GWh/day, the load flow is 63 GWh/day.

Also, according to the agency, on the 40th calendar week, that is, from October 3 to October 9 of the current year, gas consumption in Germany decreased compared to the average consumption over the past four years, and the temperature this week was 0.7 degrees above the annual average for this period 2018-2021.

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At the same time, the Federal Grid Agency again emphasized the importance of saving on gas consumption.