Media: The EU will refrain from imposing a ceiling on gas prices

MOSCOW, 18 Oct – PRIME. The European Union will refrain from immediately imposing a cap on gas prices amid political disagreements and concerns about the security of supplies, Bloomberg reports citing the document.

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According to a draft document obtained by the agency, the European Commission on Tuesday plans to propose measures to avoid price spikes and use the EU’s joint purchasing power as leverage in negotiations with global gas suppliers.

“The European Union is presenting a new emergency package to address the energy crisis, betting on steps to strengthen solidarity among member states. But the bloc (EU) will refrain from immediately imposing a cap on gas prices amid political disagreements and concerns over security of supply,” — the agency said in a statement.

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In addition, it is reported that the European Commission wants to launch a new price index for liquefied natural gas, which will help “better reflect the energy reality of the region after the cessation of pipeline gas supplies from Russia.”

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, commenting on the West’s idea to limit prices for Russian energy resources, said that Russia would not supply anything abroad if it would be contrary to its own interests.