The founder of JSC “T-Platforms” asked the court to declare him bankrupt

MOSCOW, 29 Aug — PRIME. On September 9, the Moscow Arbitration Court will consider the application of Vsevolod Opanasenko, the founder and co-owner of T-Platforms, which develops Russian supercomputers, about his bankruptcy, follows from the published court ruling.

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In the judicial act, the amount of Opanasenko’s unfulfilled obligations to creditors is not indicated. In February, the Gagarinsky District Court of Moscow satisfied the claim of VEB for the recovery of damages from Opanasenko for non-fulfillment of obligations and penalties. The decision has entered into force. The amount of recovery from the decision of the court is blacked out, however, it is known that earlier this claim was transferred under jurisdiction to a court of general jurisdiction from the Moscow Arbitration Court.

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The lawsuit states that in 2012 VEB and Opanasenko entered into two agreements under which the state corporation sold Opanasenko a 33.3% stake in T-Platforms, but the buyer did not fulfill the obligation to pay about 1.4 billion rubles for them. In the lawsuit, VEB filed claims for the recovery of damages, consisting of the amount of funds originally allocated for the acquisition of shares of T-Platforms, in the amount of about 798 million rubles, about 742 million rubles of lost profits and about 107 million rubles of forfeit, in total – more than 1 5 billion rubles.

The Moscow City Court in March 2020 transferred Opanasenko, accused in a criminal case on the supply of computers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from a pre-trial detention center to house arrest. T-Platforms supplied equipment worth more than 357 million rubles. After that, the UK opened a case on abuse of power. According to investigators, Opanasenko decided to get preferential terms when concluding a state contract, although the supplied equipment did not meet the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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Opanasenko’s defense claims that there are no complaints about the operation of computers, they are still used for exams for obtaining automobile licenses.

T-Platforms is a company founded in 2002, a developer of supercomputers, a provider of a full range of services for high-performance computing. Among other things, Tavolga Terminal 2BT1 produces computers based on the Russian Baikal-T1 processor. In December, the Moscow Arbitration Court, at the request of RAMEK-VS, a manufacturer of computer equipment and special equipment, introduced an initial bankruptcy procedure against T-Platforms – supervision – due to a debt of 112 million rubles.