The head of Energodar announced the shutdown of the fifth block at the ZNPP

MOSCOW, September 5 – PRIME. After the shelling of power lines by Ukrainian troops, only the sixth power unit is operating at the ZNPP, and electricity continues to be supplied, including to the territories controlled by Kyiv. This was stated by the head of the administration of Energodar Alexander Volga.

Four IAEA experts left ZNPP

“Now the situation is working, the station’s specialists are coping with emergency situations. Due to the disconnection of power lines, which were hit by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there are a number of routine maintenance. As part of these measures, the fifth power unit is turned off, the sixth is operating normally and supplies energy to the general power system “, – he said on the air of the TV channel “Russia 24”.

Volga noted that the situation at the station remains tense, but experts are coping.

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According to him, electricity is supplied to the territories controlled by Kyiv.

In addition, Volga expressed the hope that representatives of the IAEA mission would be a certain guarantor of the station’s safety.

“We also have very high hopes directly for the report of (IAEA chief Rafael) Grossi tomorrow at the UN Security Council,” he added.