The price of diesel fuel on the stock exchange in Russia has set a new record

MOSCOW, Sep 23 — PRIME. The cost of diesel fuel at the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX) on Friday rose by 0.35% to 58,151 rubles per ton, breaking the historical record set the day before, according to trading data.

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At the same time, the price of AI-92 and AI-95 gasoline according to the territorial index of the European part of Russia continued to decline. The AI-92 brand fell in price by 1.39%, to 41,530 rubles per ton, AI-95 – by 2.1%, to 42,912 rubles per ton.

Fuel oil collapsed in price by 18.91%, it amounted to 6,475 rubles, and liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHGs) – by 3.68%, to 18,769 rubles. The cost of jet fuel has grown slightly – by 0.02%, to 69,967 rubles.

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Exchange prices for fuel in Russia began to grow noticeably at the end of 2020; by the summer of 2021, the cost of its main types had updated historical records. Since February 2022, the cost of gasoline of the two most popular brands – AI-92 and AI-95 – has begun to actively decline. Experts attributed this to sanctions restrictions on the supply of oil and petroleum products to Western countries. The cost of diesel fuel on the stock exchange this year updated its record values ​​in two waves – in January and at the end of July.