The head of the EC will propose to the heads of the EU countries a set of measures to reduce gas prices

BRUSSELS, 5 Oct – PRIME. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, sent a letter to the leaders of the EU countries, in which she proposed to discuss a possible set of actions to be taken to reduce the prices of imported gas.

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Earlier, European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer said that Von der Leyen intends to discuss gas prices with EU leaders during an informal summit in Prague on October 7 before preparing a proposal.

“I recommend speeding up negotiations with our reliable suppliers to reduce prices for all types of gas,” the letter says. According to her, such partners are, first of all, Norway and the USA.

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In addition, she suggests using a pan-European platform for joint gas purchases in order to avoid competition for suppliers between EU countries, which ultimately leads to higher prices. “We must avoid situations where EU member states compete with each other and push prices up,” Von der Leyen explained.

The head of the EC also proposed the development of an additional EU price index, which, according to her, “will better reflect reality and ensure a more efficient functioning of the market, contributing to lower prices.” “Pending the introduction of such an additional price index, we should consider capping the price in relation to the current gas price index (TTF),” the letter from the head of the European Commission states.

Deep state intervention in gas prices, according to the head of the EC, entails the need for more stringent obligations of the Union countries to reduce demand and save gas. “It is necessary to prepare more stringent commitments to save gas, reduce demand across the EU,” the letter says. At the same time, Von der Leyen added that such obligations should take into account national differences in the energy market.

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The head of the European Commission also proposes to discuss a temporary price ceiling for gas, which is used for electricity generation, in order to slow down the rise in electricity prices. According to her, the electricity market in the EU operates in such a way that an increase in the price of gas leads to an increase in the price of electricity. “We must limit this inflationary impact of gas on electricity throughout Europe. Therefore, we are ready to discuss the introduction of a ceiling on the prices of gas used for electricity generation,” Von der Leyen wrote. According to her, this temporary measure should be the beginning of a global reform of the electricity market.

As for the price of gas used for industry, the introduction of a price ceiling for it should, in the opinion of the head of the EC, be carried out in such a way as to avoid interruptions in supplies. This measure, she said, should also be temporary.

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The head of the European Commission also proposed to increase investment in infrastructure, renewable energy and energy efficiency in order to accelerate the transition to energy independence of the European Union.