The IAEA mission did not want to see the source of the ZNPP shelling, Zakharova said

MOSCOW, 7 Sep — PRIME. Everything necessary to obtain information on the situation at the Zaporizhzhya NPP was done, but the report of the IAEA mission does not contain data on the source of shelling of the plant, apparently they did not want to see this, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

The West continued to put pressure on the IAEA, Zakharova said

“The Russian permanent representative to the UN has already expressed regret that the mission failed to reflect in the report who is shooting at the Zaporozhye power plant … As soon as the story begins that “we don’t know who did it”, Russia automatically did it That is, they have one hundred percent certainty that there will not be a single argument in favor of the fact that this was done by the Russians, so there is a story right there about the fact that there is no data about who could do it, “- the diplomat said on the air of Sputnik radio.

According to her, the lack of data on the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya NPP can only be if the IAEA mission does not want to see the source of the shelling.

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“Things and events associated with some major cases – either this is a disaster, or this attack on a nuclear power plant – leaves everyone in the dark. “Well, no data,” is it possible? You can not see it, only if you do not want it see,” Zakharova said.