The lawyer told what to do in case of leakage of personal data to the Network

MOSCOW, 8 Oct — PRIME. In recent years, personal data leaks have become more frequent. This is due to the growing number of those who have access to them and the growing technical literacy of cybercriminals. If, as a result of a leak, your phone number is in the public domain, the obsessive attention of spammers and scammers is guaranteed, so it is necessary to strengthen digital hygiene measures, the head of the working group on legislation in the field of Internet technologies and digitalization of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, dean of the Faculty of Law, told Prime. Higher School of Economics Vadim Vinogradov.

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Be skeptical about calls from unknown numbers, do not provide callers with any additional information about yourself. If the attack “continues for a long time or a child has become a victim, in some cases it is even advisable to change the phone number. It also makes sense to enable anti-spam” through your mobile operator, he notes.

If e-mail addresses and other digital identifiers have become public in one form or another, first of all it is necessary to change passwords, and preferably in all existing accounts. Often, users have one password for literally everything. Having taken possession of the key to the page on social networks, the fraudster can use it to hack into other sources.

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If we are talking about the leakage of bank account data, then the best solution, according to Vinogradov, would be to freeze them. To prevent such situations, the lawyer recommends getting a special card designed for making online purchases – transfer funds to it from the main account as needed. By the way, it may well be virtual, it will take several minutes to issue such a card, this happens in the application of your bank.

According to the expert, recently information about the data leakage of 7.7 million customers of a large household and digital equipment store got into the Network. “The most unreasonable thing a person can do after reading such news about another leak is to try to search for himself in the “merged” databases by full name or phone number. In this way, criminals can replenish their catalog or confirm the correctness of the information they have,” warns Vinogradov.