The main part of the IAEA mission will continue its journey to the Zaporozhye NPP

MOSCOW, Sep 1 — PRIME. The main part of the convoy of the IAEA mission passes a checkpoint on the liberated territory of the Zaporozhye region, in a few minutes the convoy will continue on its way to the nuclear power plant, head of the administration of the Zaporozhye region Yevgeny Balitsky said on the air of the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

The counter-terrorist operation in the area of ​​Zaporozhye NPP continues

“(IAEA Head Rafael) Grossi has now passed our checkpoint, another part of the cars are passing it, because there are a lot of cars, now they are already on our territory, at our checkpoint. The first cars passed more than an hour ago, and the main part of this convoy, which was detained by the Ukrainian side, now it has already been released… They are going through the first control and literally in a matter of minutes they will continue their movement in the direction of the nuclear power plant,” he said.

The authorities of the region will show the mission at the nuclear power plant everything objectively, they will provide all the information about the shelling.

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“We will do everything for objectivity so that the station is shown from all angles that they ask – from the point of view of the operation of the station, our ability to manage. We will provide them with station workers, witnesses of the shelling, who fired and from where – we will show all the protocols … In our on this issue, the main task is objectivity … so that everyone can see that the station is in good hands, it works,” he explained.

According to him, now there are no attacks from the Ukrainian troops on the territory of Energodar and the territory of the Zaporozhye NPP.