The mechanism for saving resources of foreign gas turbines came into force in Russia

MOSCOW, 1 Oct — PRIME. The mechanism for saving the resources of foreign gas turbine units (GTUs) comes into force in the Russian Federation on October 1 – companies get the right to save the resource of such GTUs by placing them in reserve and including them as a last resort, the corresponding decree was signed by the government of the Russian Federation.

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The energy industry of the Russian Federation, in connection with international sanctions, faced the problem of preserving the resource of foreign-made gas turbine equipment due to problems in service maintenance and production support. According to the Ministry of Energy, in Russia, gas turbine units account for about 8% (22 GW) of the total number of turbines.

In the pre-sanction period, energy companies of the Russian Federation did not record relevant problems in the field of service and provision of components for foreign gas turbines, and there was no need for an approved mechanism. The decree signed by the government of the Russian Federation regulates this issue.

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The mechanism will operate until the end of 2023. For this period, electricity suppliers with gas turbine engine generating facilities will have to provide the System Operator (SO UES) with information on the need (or vice versa, no need) to save the service life of such equipment. Provided that SO UES establishes the existence of risks of reducing the reliability of power supply to consumers, in the relevant energy region, this equipment will be placed in reserve and switched on last.

If savings are needed, a special reduction factor will be applied to the further operation of such equipment when supplying electricity to the market every month, calculated taking into account the presence of foreign gas turbines in reserve. The reduction factor is calculated according to a special formula and depends on a number of components. Its application will eventually lead to some reduction in the power charge for the generator.

The System Operator previously reported that energy companies had already notified the regulator of the need to save in October the resource of 21 foreign-made GTUs with a total capacity of 2.4 GW.

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