The media reported the closure of the French refinery TotalEnergies

MOSCOW, 26 Sep — PRIME. The 119,000 bpd Feyzin refinery in southern France, owned by French energy company TotalEnergies, is likely to close until at least mid-October, Reuters reported, citing a representative of the French trade union General Confederation of Labor (CGT).

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TotalEnergies’ 119,000 bpd Feyzin refinery in southern France is likely to be out of business until at least mid-October.

It is specified that the plant was completely (with the exception of the alkylation unit) closed on September 16 after a leak at the catalytic cracking unit. According to Reuters, after the shutdown of the refinery, about 40% of France’s oil refining capacities turned out to be idle.

The agency recalls that last week, as a result of the strike, ExxonMobil’s refineries in Fos-sur-Mer with a capacity of 235,000 barrels per day and in Port-Jerome-Gravenchon with a capacity of 240,000 barrels per day were stopped.

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The French TotalEnergies is one of the largest energy companies in the world. It operates in more than 130 countries, producing oil and gas in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, and the Americas.