Incident at Nord Stream 2 occurred in Danish waters near Bornholm

MOSCOW, 26 Sep — PRIME. An emergency on Nord Stream 2 occurred in Danish waters near the island of Bornholm, a five-nautical-mile buffer zone has been established, the gas pipeline operator, Nord Stream 2 AG, told RIA Novosti.

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“In cooperation with the coastal services, it was established that the incident occurred in the Danish EEZ southeast of Bornholm. The coastal services established a five-nautical-mile radius protection zone as a security measure,” the report says.

Earlier on Monday, the operator reported that the pressure on the line A of Nord Stream 2 (which was filled with technical gas) had dropped sharply. Coastal authorities in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Russia were immediately notified and an investigation is underway, the report also said.

At the same time, the Danish Maritime Authority on Monday issued a message about a gas leak near the island of Bornholm, which “may be dangerous for navigation.” Nord Stream 2 runs southeast of the island.

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The construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline lasted three years and was completed in 2021, both strings were filled with technical gas. However, the German government stopped the certification of Nord Stream 2 AG as an operator in February. German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock said that “the project is actually frozen.”