The media revealed the purpose of sabotage at Nord Stream

MOSCOW, 4 Oct — PRIME. The emergency at the Nord Stream at the end of September cannot be an accident, according to columnist Mehmet Ali Güller from the Turkish edition of Cumhuriyet.

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The author recalls that initially it was the United States that was concerned about the deal between Russia and Germany on gas supplies through Nord Stream 2 and in every possible way prevented the completion of the project. US President Joe Biden even promised to destroy Nord Stream. According to the observer, it is unlikely that all this is a mere coincidence.

Leaks of raw materials were detected at once in four places on Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, built to export gas from Russia to Germany. “Obviously, four leaks on two pipelines cannot be an accident. So who can be the culprit of sabotage and what is its purpose?” the journalist asks.

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From the West, accusations are now mainly pouring on Russia’s head, they claim that Moscow is trying to raise world prices for natural gas in this way. It is noted that after the state of emergency, prices for October futures in Europe jumped by 13.4%. And what will Russia gain from this increase, which will not be able to sell gas to Europe after its pipeline was blown up?

At the same time, the winner will be the one who now supplies natural gas to Europe, namely LNG suppliers from the United States.

Asked who Nord Stream is really hindering, he recalls that the United States has been against the energy deal between Russia and Germany from the very beginning.

“That is why we have from the very beginning regarded the Ukrainian crisis at the same time as an American-German conflict,” the article adds.

The White House has long been working to worsen relations between Russia and Germany, trying, among other things, to keep the work of Berlin and Paris to build strategic independence and commitment to European leadership.

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The rhetoric of the German authorities on the issue of energy supplies from Russia was changing, and now, when the German government came under pressure from the public opinion of its citizens on the issue of easing energy sanctions, serious attempts were made to prevent the possibility of an agreement with Moscow with the help of sabotage in the Baltic Sea. The sabotage on the second gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2, eliminated an alternative route for energy resources to Germany.

Therefore, the author of the article is not surprised by the reaction to the state of emergency of the Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski. Recall that he shared a photo of a gas leak on social networks with the words: “Thank you, USA!” After all, the emergency happened simultaneously with the opening of the Baltic Pipeline, which will open the supply of Norwegian gas to Poland through Denmark.

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