The European Union has filled its gas storage facilities by almost 90 percent

MOSCOW, 4 Oct — PRIME. The European Union slightly increased the rate of pumping gas into its underground storage facilities and filled them by almost 90 percent, according to data from the Gas Infrastructure Europe association.

Gas prices in Europe fell below $1,650 per thousand cubic meters

According to the results of the gas day on October 2, the occupancy of European UGS facilities increased by 0.35 percentage points, to 89.32%. Now, a total of about 96.53 billion cubic meters of fuel have been pumped into storage facilities.

Over the weekend, gas injection rates increased slightly, from 0.19 percentage points on weekdays to 0.26 percentage points. on Saturday and 0.35 p.p. on Sunday.

In addition, the net withdrawal data for September 30 was revised. As specified, on this day, gas injection exceeded withdrawal, storage facilities replenished by 0.21 percentage points, up to 88.72%. At the same time, it is now reported that storage facilities in Belgium are 100% full.

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According to EU rules, by November 1 this year, all countries must fill at least 80% of UGS facilities. This figure has not yet been reached in Bulgaria (76.31%), Hungary (74.08%), Latvia (52.75%). At the same time, only 18 countries out of 27 in the EU have underground gas storage capacities, and the capacity in them is uneven.

Gas storages usually provide only 25-30% of the gas consumed in Europe in winter, the European Commission reported in summer. Even close to the maximum reserves in UGSFs of large EU countries do not guarantee a reliable passage of the autumn-winter period, Gazprom believes.