The Minister of Cybersecurity in Japan has never used a computer

Minister ds. cyberbezpieczeństwa w Japonii nigdy nie korzystał z komputera

If you think that experience is important to such a responsible position as a minister… anything important, then you are wrong. This is confirmed by Yoshitaka Sakurada, the minister of cybersecurity in Japan, who has never used a computer.

Everything came to light during the parliamentary session, during which our hero was a bit surprised with such an invention as … a pendrive. Another question was added to the fire, which focused on the use of portable USB drives in Japanese facilities that use the power of the atom. After such an incident, the opposition could not help but take advantage of this fact, so it asked him about it during the session in the lower house. There he admitted that he did not use computers, defending himself with the fact that “from the age of 25 I have instructed my employees and secretaries, so I do not use them personally.”

It was then that a ton of ordinary hatred poured out on him, accusing him of incompetence, which is rather right. Some, however, go a step further, suggesting that Sakurada is actually taking good care of its plot in the ministry, because “is there better protection against cyber attacks than not using technological innovations”? Fortunately, he has held this position for just over a month since his political party re-received Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Such a discovery, of course, caused a lot of political gibberish that I will not bore you with. From our perspective, we can only laugh at the whole situation.

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Source: TheGuardian