The Ministry of Digital Development launched special projects to inform Russians about cyber threats

MOSCOW, 11 Oct — PRIME. The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia and RTK-Solar launched three special projects to raise awareness of citizens about safe behavior on the Internet and cyber threats, the company’s press service reported.

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“As part of the implementation of the federal project “Information Security” of the national program “Digital Economy”, the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia, together with … RTK-Solar, launched three special projects to raise awareness of citizens, including children and adolescents, about safe behavior on the Internet and attract their attention to cybersecurity issues,” the release noted.

According to representatives of RTK-Solar, the first project is aimed at combating “cyberbullying” – bullying in social networks or instant messengers. The target audience of the special project is teenagers, as the company notes, “one of the most vulnerable groups of citizens on the Internet”, and the project will be implemented in collaboration with bloggers popular with the audience who will talk about their own experience in combating cyberbullying. The second project, the press service emphasized, will explain the main mistakes that are made when creating passwords, popularize the use of two-factor authentication and talk about the principles of protecting accounts in digital services. The latest project – “CyberHealthy” – will encourage people to take actions on their own to protect themselves online, as well as talk about the basic rules of cybersecurity.

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Igor Lyapunov, CEO of RTK-Solar, added that the company, together with the Ministry of Digital Development, is planning “a truly large-scale all-Russian program to combat cyber threats against users.”