The Ministry of Energy reported that the G20 energy ministers did not adopt a common document

MOSCOW, Sep 2 — PRIME. The meeting of energy ministers of the G20 countries ended without the adoption of a common document due to the destructive and politicized proposals of the West, but the basic approaches to the work of the energy sector were unanimously supported, the Russian Ministry of Energy said.

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“The joint meeting of the G20 energy ministers ended without adopting an agreed document due to destructive, politicized proposals from the West. Nevertheless, the basic approaches on many topical issues in the functioning of the energy sector were unanimously supported,” the ministry said after the meeting.

According to Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov, the meeting is taking place in the context of the global energy crisis, when pressure and sanctions from the West, coupled with inflationary surges and disruptions in global supply chains, have led to market destabilization and distortion. He noted that such a situation undermines global and national energy security around the world.

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“The policy of the West leads to negative socio-economic consequences for developing countries, as well as for the initiators of the sanctions themselves, where the problem of energy poverty is acute,” Shulginov’s words are quoted in the message.

It is emphasized that the heads of the Energy Ministry of the G20 countries at the meeting approved the Bali Treaty, which sets out voluntary principles for energy transition, taking into account the national circumstances of the countries, the Russian ministry said. The outcome of this work will be formulated in a statement by the Indonesian Chairmanship.