The price of AI-92 gasoline in Russia fell following the results of trading on Monday

MOSCOW, 3 Oct — PRIME. The cost of AI-92 gasoline at the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX) fell by almost 2.5% following Monday trading, dropping below 39 thousand rubles per ton, according to trading data.

Gasoline has fallen in price at Moscow gas stations for the first time since July

Gasoline AI-92 on the territorial index of the European part of Russia fell in price on Monday, the first day of trading in October, by 2.44%, to 38,504 rubles per ton. The cost of the AI-95 brand decreased by 0.87% to 40,644 rubles. In September, the price of gasoline also mainly decreased.

Summer diesel fuel lost 0.83% in price, its cost amounted to 55,493 rubles. Off-season and winter diesel engines opened the first day of trading in October at 56,676 and 68,897 rubles per ton.

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Liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHGs) also fell in price by 0.52%, to 15,587 rubles. Fuel oil has risen in price on the stock exchange by 6.89%, to 9,016 rubles. And the price of jet fuel remained the same – 69,721 rubles.

Exchange prices for fuel in Russia began to grow noticeably at the end of 2020; by the summer of 2021, the cost of its main types had updated historical records. Since February 2022, the cost of gasoline of the two most popular brands – AI-92 and AI-95 – has begun to actively decline. Experts attributed this to sanctions restrictions on the supply of oil and petroleum products to Western countries. The cost of diesel fuel on the stock exchange this year updated its record values ​​in two waves – in January and at the end of July.