The price of gas exports to non-CIS countries increased in six months of 2022

MOSCOW, Sep 27 – PRIME. The price of Gazprom’s gas exports to non-CIS countries over the first half of the year increased by more than three and a half times in annual terms, laying the foundation for record financial performance, said Famil Sadygov, deputy chairman of the company’s board.

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According to the top manager, in September the company traditionally sums up the results of the Gazprom group’s work under IFRS for the first half of the year, and key financial indicators demonstrate steady growth.

“In the first half of the year, we worked in conditions of high prices in the European gas market. The average price of Gazprom’s gas exports to non-CIS countries for (the first – ed.) 6 months of 2022 was more than 3.5 times higher than the price for the same period in 2021 This laid the foundation for record financial performance,” Sadigov said, quoted on the Gazprom channel in the Telegram messenger.