The Russian stock market intensified the fall after oil

MOSCOW, Sep 23 — PRIME. The Russian stock market in the morning strengthens the fall after oil, the price of which fell below $ 90 per barrel of Brent, follows from the trading data.

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By 11.48 Moscow time, the Moscow Exchange Index fell by 3.7% to 2109.79 points, the RTS index fell by 3.46% to 1133.92 points.

The oil market falls 1.9% to $88.8 per barrel of Brent, approaching a minimum since the beginning of the year.

The fall leaders in Russian trading are CIAN (-9%), Polymetal (-8.2%), Polyus (-5.2%), HeadHunter (-8.4%), Samolet (-5 .7%). Shares of Gazprom, after rising the day before, fall by 2.8%, Novatek – by 4.2%, Rosneft – by 4.9%, Norilsk Nickel – by 3.8%.