The Russians were told how to identify wiretapping through a smartphone

MOSCOW, 19 Sep — PRIME. Listening to any device, including a mobile phone, without a court order is illegal and entails the consequences prescribed by law. To recognize it, there are several simple tricks, Denis Kuskov, general director of the Telecom Daily agency, told Prime.

The Russians were told what not to talk about next to a smartphone

According to him, you can detect electronic surveillance by the following signs: fast battery consumption, arbitrary activation of various functions – a microphone or video camera, self-starting programs in the background if you did not do this.

“Such things can appear singly or in combination, the main thing is that you fix some “independent” work of your smartphone at a time when you are not using it,” the expert emphasized.

He advised to analyze the installed applications first. If the owner of the smartphone cannot do it himself, you should contact the service center.

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“And if they find programs that the owner did not install, then it is better to remove them, or even better, reset the settings and perform a complete rearrangement of the software,” Kuskov is convinced.