The US Department of Defense Creates a Communication Platform on the Blockchain

The US Department of Defense Creates a Communication Platform on the Blockchain

The Department of Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) of the US Department of Defense is starting to experiment with the blockchain as part of the Digital Upgrade Strategy.

The US Department of Defense is making efforts to modernize its digital infrastructure in order to become “more competitive.” In this regard, in July, DARPA issued a document
titled “The Department of Defense Digital Upgrading Strategy”. This document details the ministry’s priority development plan, which includes such areas as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, management, control, and communications.

To improve management, control, and communication mechanisms, DARPA will explore the best uses for the blockchain. The ministry is starting to experiment with the blockchain to create a more efficient, reliable and secure communication platform.

DARPA confirms that the blockchain-based communication platform will allow you to send secure messages from any location and allow staff to process transactions that can be monitored through the decentralized registry channels. The document states:

“The application will be used in different ways, including facilitating communication between units and headquarters and transferring information between intelligence officers and the Pentagon.”

In addition, DARPA is already trying to develop a code that is protected from hacking using the blockchain, “because this technology provides information about hackers who are trying to hack protected databases.” According to the defense ministry, the blockchain “turns the cybersecurity paradigm on its head.” The agency is confident in the technology, because the blockchain does not require trust and is transparent.

“The blockchains are joining the efforts of honest nodes to prohibit those who play by the rules not to work. As a result, the blockchain not only reduces the likelihood of compromise, but also significantly increases the adversary’s cost of damage. ”

Back in 2017, we wrote that DARPA plans to apply
blockchain to protect against cyber attacks, as well as in infrastructure
cybersecurity In addition, last year there was information about the plans of DAPRA to study the blockchain.