The well-known Ponzi OneCoin scheme also closes its doors in Sofia

The well-known Ponzi OneCoin scheme also closes its doors in Sofia

At the end of November, the site was finally suspended. The well-known Ponzi OneCoin scheme has been under investigation for several years by authorities in several countries. However, only now the main site and two other versions and have become unavailable. The only site that has remained active is

The DNS records of the site indicate that the resources on are being searched. The DNS DNS service claimed that the site is under “legal investigation”, without further details on the entities or agencies involved.

If examined, the site records may provide an overview of the number of participants, balances and possibly transfers. OneCoin asset does not have a public blockchain, which makes it difficult to identify participants. There are currently ongoing investigations in Germany, Austria, the United States, Finland and Hungary, among others.

OneCoin Sofia has closed

On November 21, OneCoin offices in Sofia were closed. Several observers posted on Twitter that the headquarters of the organization had been evacuated. Ruja Ignatova is still undetectable.

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Her brother, Konstantin Ignatov, has reached an agreement with the US Department of Justice and is cooperating with the authorities. He is liable to a penalty 90 years in prison, but other scheme leaders and groups appear to be active.

OneCoin has managed to cheat over 4 million people with up to $ 4 billion, washing hundreds of millions through lawyers and offshore accounts. The pyramid scheme appeared in the early years of the Bitcoin hype, and its size has exceeded that of BitConnect.

The scam is remarkable for being able to operate in several countries, despite investigations and legal repression.

In Romania, of course, OneCoin “puppies” activate without stress. They make meetings, events, conferences and offer promises as if everything is ok. So far, the well-known Ponzi OneCoin scheme has been damaged Romanians with over 200 million euros.