Turkmenistan will buy various pipes for the gas industry in Russia

ASHGABAT, 24 Sep – PRIME. Turkmenistan will buy various pipes from the Russian Federation for the needs of the country’s gas industry, the government’s Russian-language newspaper Neutral Turkmenistan reported on Saturday.

The corresponding resolution was signed by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at a government meeting.

The document “allows the state concern “Turkmengaz” to conclude an agreement with the Russian “Pipe Metallurgical Company” for the purchase of various types of pipe products.”

The amount of the contract or the volume of purchased tubular products are not named.

The decree of the head of state notes that Russian pipe products are purchased “in order to successfully fulfill the tasks set for the country’s oil and gas complex and provide the Turkmengaz state concern with the necessary pipe products of various types.”

In terms of natural gas reserves, Turkmenistan is among the top four countries in the world along with Russia, Iran and Qatar.

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