US gas futures continued to fall

MOSCOW, August 31 – PRIME. On Wednesday, natural gas prices in the US are declining, but aiming for the second time in a row to demonstrate growth by the end of the month. The market is supported by higher-than-usual air temperatures, which increase demand for air conditioning systems, as well as rising gas prices in Europe.

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At 1347 GMT, October natural gas futures traded down 12.1 cents, or 1.3%, at $8.92 a million Btu.

“At the beginning of the session, the market seems to be under slight pressure, oil prices are falling. In energy markets, there is a weakening of risk appetite, despite the fact that Gazprom has stopped gas supplies to Europe via Nord Stream 1,” said Phil Flynn, analyst at Price Futures Group.

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By the end of August, quotes may add about 8%.

In Europe and Asia, gas was traded at $77 and $59 respectively.