Venezuelan pharmacy chain will start accepting payments in the Dash cryptocurrency

Venezuelan pharmacy chain will start accepting payments in the Dash cryptocurrency

The Venezuelan pharmacy chain Farmarket will allow customers to pay for purchases using the Dash cryptocurrency using the proprietary XpayCash payment system of the Panda Exchange.

It is reported that over the next two quarters in 22 pharmacies of the country, the XpayCash payment system will be launched to pay for medicines with cryptocurrencies. Representatives of the Dash project will train employees on working with cryptocurrencies and a payment system.

The press release notes that Venezuela has become one of the leading countries in adopting Dash. Worldwide, there are about 4,900 outlets where you can pay with this cryptocurrency, and half of them are in Venezuela. Dash Core Group CEO Ryan Taylor said:

“We expect our partnership with Panda in Colombia and Farmarket in Venezuela to be a significant step towards creating a shopping-oriented economy where not only Venezuelans in Caracas can pay in stores with Dash, but also their relatives in Colombia and elsewhere. . They should be able to buy medicine from abroad and solve health problems. ”

Venezuela is becoming a very cryptocurrency-friendly country due to the ongoing economic crisis. Recently, the owner of the largest Venezuelan hypermarket chain Traki announced plans to host XPOS cryptocurrency terminals developed by Singaporean startup Pundi X for points of sale in 49 stores.